Request a Quote from WDI Retail Packaging
We do have a minimum quantity of 100 units on all quotes.
If you just want a couple items, please visit our partner website at
To get a quote, choose your preference:
- Fill out the form below
- Email Dan K. at (Please include your contact information.)
- Call 651-464-6190 and ask for Dan K!
Additional Information
Whether you know exactly what you need (tell us the specifics above), or you just have an idea (we offer complete design services too), we can work with you to quote the project. Tell us as much as you know below (no detail is too small) and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. If you’d rather speak to someone in person or have a question, please call Dan Kammerer at (800) 899-4265 or send him an email at
We are pleased to give quotes to businesses who need a quantity of custom-built products. We do have a minimum quantity of 250 units. We will do pre-production samples for your order to ensure we are meeting the agreed upon specifications and requirements.
If you are looking for just a few items for your own personal use or to give as a gift, please visit our partner website at to see if we offer a stock product which could meet your needs. We offer personalization options on many of these products.
Thank You!