Specialty Products

If you have a more specific item or type of item in mind, please see the subcategories to the Specialty Products on the right (POP, Components, Displays, etc.)  We have everything here, on this page, if you prefer to meander through all or our specialty products/items!

WDI creates custom products every time!  This means we have the capabilities to stretch well beyond retail boxes and packaging. Sometimes these “specialty” items can be the most challenging AND the most rewarding. Maybe it’s a display similar to a typical retail package, or you can go to the other extreme and have a component part which may be a key element of the product – whether you see it or not! How about table legs, but not your fathers table legs!  Free Little Library?  Yep – done those.  How about a Tardis from Dr. Who?  Need some special occasion accessories – how about a wood tie!