Custom Wood Manufacturer

We produce solutions! If you are looking for a supplier of bulk wood products, from simple boxes, to intricate displays or promotional items we can provide your needs. We have 80+ years of experience in the wood products manufacturing industry and continue to grow and adapt our products, processes and capabilities.If you know what you want and would like an estimate, click here to Request a Quote, or please feel free to call us at 1-800-899-4265. The more information you provide on the Quote Request, the quicker we can get you a quote and give you the best possible estimate. If you want more information about us, please

visit the links above. For inspiration, visit our many product galleries. Need hardware suggestions? See the Extras/Hardware menu! See some of our satisfied customers and their comments in the Customers section.

Bulk Supplier of Wood & Wood/Paper Composite Boxes
WDI provides businesses with product packaging, displays, promotional packaging and much more. We have recently expanded our product capabilities to include MinnMade. MinnMade is a wood and paper composite box, with a lower price point than wood. It also has some interesting design possibilities. It can be created with an almost endless variety of premium papers or wood veneers. The premium papers allow for an almost infinite selection of colors or even textures! If you want a truly unique look, we can get you there! MinnMade can also be customized with UV printing or laser etching and it’s unique construction requires no hardware. Like all our products, MinnMade is custom built to your specifications. If you would like assistance with design, we can do that as well.
Custom Retail Wood and Composite Wood/Paper Boxes

With the multiple product line offerings and unique choices and options on each, we are excited to bring your creative visions to life! Custom packaging will allow your product to stand out. WDI builds retail packaging which is made to be kept, not discarded. Put your product in a premium package today! Learn more about our offerings by visiting the links below or by visiting more of our website with the links at the top of the page.